CRRSAA & ARP Reporting - Student Aid Portion

In accepting HEERF funds in which 可靠的网赌平台 applied and received, 可靠的网赌平台 agreed to publicly disclosing the information listed below. 披露此信息是为了遵守CRRSAA和ARP (a)(1)项目报告要求.

1. 确认该机构签署并将认证和协议退还给部门,并保证该机构已使用CRRSAA和ARP (a)(1)和(a)(4)计划指定的适用金额的资金向学生提供紧急经济援助补助金.

Certification and Agreement for CRRSAA and ARP funds were submitted, 可靠的网赌平台已经并将使用每个项目下指定的适用金额的资金向学生提供紧急经济援助补助金.

2. 根据该机构在CRRSAA和ARP (a)(1)和(a)(4)计划下向学生提供紧急财政援助助学金的认证和协议,该机构将从该部门收到或已经收到的资金总额.

根据CRRSAA和ARP (a)(1)计划,可靠的网赌平台分别获得了999,278美元和3,636,565美元.

3. 截至提交日期(1),根据CRRSAA和ARP (a)(1)和(a)(4)计划分配给学生的紧急经济援助补助金总额.e., as of the initial report and every calendar quarter thereafter).

2021年4月,可靠的网赌平台根据CRRSAA (a)(1)计划分发了999,278美元.

2021年10月,可靠的网赌平台根据ARP (a)(1)计划分配了3,592,987美元.

ARP (a)(1)计划下剩余的43,578美元于2022年4月支付.

4. 根据CRRSAA和ARP (a)(1)和(a)(4)计划,该机构有资格获得紧急经济援助助学金的学生估计总数.

可靠的网赌平台 identified an estimated 2,根据CRRSAA (a)(1)计划,有资格获得学生紧急经济援助助学金的800名学生. 

可靠的网赌平台 identified an estimated 3,300名有资格获得ARP (a)(1)计划下的紧急经济援助补助金的学生.

5. 根据CRRSAA和ARP (a)(1)和(a)(4)计划获得紧急经济援助助学金的学生总数.

In April of 2021, 可靠的网赌平台 distributed Emergency Financial Aid Grants to 2,783 students under the CRRSAA (a)(1) program. 

The following criteria were used to award CRRSAA funding to students:

Students who will be receiving CRRSAA awards:

  • 在春季学期注册传统或100%在线课程(包括SpringO1和SpringO2)
  • Degree seeking student

Students who are not eligible and will not receive an award:

  • Non-degree seeking student
  • Visiting student
  • Dual enrollment student
  • DACA/International student

任何符合上述合格类别的学生都可以从CRRSAA计划获得资助. 可靠的网赌平台 did not require an application process. 可靠的网赌平台 began processing awards to students on April 1, 2021.

奖励金额从350美元到850美元不等,具体取决于注册的学分数, 以及2021年春季学期收到的经济援助金额. 


The following criteria were used to award ARP funding to students:

Students who will be receiving ARP awards:

  • 在秋季学期注册传统或100%在线课程
  • Degree seeking student

Students who are not eligible and will not receive an award:

  • Non-degree seeking student
  • Visiting student
  • Dual enrollment student 

任何符合上述合格类别的学生都可以从ARP计划中获得资金. 可靠的网赌平台 did not require an application process. 可靠的网赌平台 began processing awards to students on October 19, 2021. 

Award amounts ranged from a base level of $86 to $2,290 – depending on the number of credits hours enrolled, 以及2021年秋季学期收到的经济援助金额.

6. Any instructions, directions, 或学校向学生提供的有关紧急经济援助助学金的指导.

The following email was sent to students on March 30, 2021:

Good morning Generals:

As a result of the federal Coronavirus Response, Relief, and Supplemental Appropriations Act (“CRRSA Act”), institutions of higher education, including 可靠的网赌平台, 是否已获得资助,这些资助将颁发给可能经历过一次 financial hardship due to the Coronavirus pandemic.  The CRRSA is similar to the CARES act that was established last spring; but with a few key differences.  每个符合条件的可靠的网赌平台学生将在未来几周内收到CRRSAA资金.

符合美国教育部(USDOE)制定的指导方针和资格要求, the following outlines which students are eligible:

Students who will be receiving CRRSAA awards:

  • 在春季学期注册传统或100%在线课程(包括SpringO1和SpringO2)
  • Degree seeking student

Students who are not eligible:

  • Non-degree seeking student
  • Visiting student
  • Dual enrollment student
  • DACA/International student

Unlike funding from the original CARES Act, CRRSAA基金可以直接应用于未偿还/逾期学生余额. Meaning, 每个有余额的学生都可以选择使用他们的CRRSAA奖励来支付该余额.

任何符合上述合格类别的学生都将获得CRRSA法案的资助.  可靠的网赌平台 will not be requiring an application process.  If a student meets the criteria, they will receive an award.  可靠的网赌平台 will begin processing awards to students on April 1, 2021.  Please allow up to three weeks for disbursements to be completed.

所有符合条件的学生的奖励金额将从350美元的基础水平开始, up to $850 – depending on the number of credits hours enrolled, 以及2021年春季学期收到的联邦援助金额.  An individual email with 每个学生的具体奖励金额将在接下来的3个工作日内发送.  这封电子邮件还将包含有关如何将奖励应用于未偿余额的信息.

If a student has banking information on-file through my可靠的网赌平台, funds will be direct deposited into that account.  如果没有银行信息,支票将邮寄到存档的地址.  Banking information may be updated at any time through my可靠的网赌平台 (



FAQ’s will be updated with additional questions/answers as they arise.



可靠的网赌平台 CRRSAA Award Notice

AUTOMATED MESSAGE: Do not respond to this email.

Hello (student name),

In following up with messaging earlier this week, this email is to confirm your eligiblity for CRRSAA Act funding. 奖励是基于你注册的学时数和佩尔资助的水平,你可能会或可能不会收到.

Your CRRSAA award amount is: (amount)

请访问以下链接,并选择将您的奖励应用于您的过去到期余额. Your award will not be disbursed until a selection has been made:

Once completed, funds may take up to (3) weeks to be disbursed. Depending upon your choice, your award will be applied to your past due balance, or distributed to you. 如果您在my可靠的网赌平台开设了银行账户,这些资金将直接存入 to the account on file. If you do not currently have an account setup, you may do so at

请留出整整三(3)周的时间,然后再通过电子邮件通知您获奖的时间. If you have any other questions, please contact (name has been deleted)

The following email was sent to students on October 12, 2021, after ARP award amounts were determined:

可靠的网赌平台 ARP Award Notice

AUTOMATED MESSAGE: Do not respond to this email.

Hello (student name),

In following up with messaging earlier this semester, this email is to confirm your eligibility for Federal ARP Act funding. 奖励是基于你注册的学时数和佩尔资助的水平,你可能会或可能不会收到.

Your ARP award amount is: (amount)

Please view and accept your award in my可靠的网赌平台 by visiting:

Funds may take up to two (2) weeks to be disbursed to you. If you have a bank account setup in my可靠的网赌平台, these funds will be direct deposited in to the account on file. If you do not currently have an account setup, you may do so at

请留出整整两(2)周的时间,再通过电子邮件通知您的获奖时间. If you have any other questions, please contact (name has been deleted).

CRRSAA & ARP Institutional Portion Quarterly Reports